I have always wanted long dreadlocks, with beads, and feathers, that I can tie up in a funky messy bun on top of my head. Yet I never had the guts to do them. I was thinking about all the things in life that I have wanted to do, but never let myself. That I have held back on....for fear of what others would think, and for fear of too much change. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, we often hold ourselves back from the very things that make us MOST happy. We find that joy, we go full throttle, and then suddenly we stop.
We sabotage ourselves? WHY? As I was daydreaming of growing my hair into long luscious locks I asked myself why wait? Why am I day deaming when I can do? So I did some research, because as most of you know my hair isn't that long. I have a slanted bob (short in the back angled towards my chin). What's a girl to do?
We sabotage ourselves? WHY? As I was daydreaming of growing my hair into long luscious locks I asked myself why wait? Why am I day deaming when I can do? So I did some research, because as most of you know my hair isn't that long. I have a slanted bob (short in the back angled towards my chin). What's a girl to do?
Well back in the day (aka Toronto) I had synthetic dreads braided into my hair so that I could grow it out after a heat wave induced head shaving episode (long story). I wore those dread for a few months but had to take them out eventually as they arent permanent. Well, I kept them. So I did some research on how to dread short hair and discovered that many people will dread their short hair and add "lock extensions" with real OR synthetic hair. HOLLA!
So of course I spent most of last night researching how to dread hair: twist and rip, backcomb, au natural, how to add the extensions to the real dread etc. I also asked the lovely Ms Katelyn of Peace Love and Leener for some advice as she has embarked on her own "Dreadlock Journey" and I LOVE the results.
This was the my morning:

Yup doesnt get much crunchier then this...breastfeeding my toddler while I dreadlock my hair. AWESOME
I would like to introduce you to my little friend. His name is Bob, I kinda like him and think I will make a friend for him on the other side. Her name will be Suzie. Bob and Suzie may have babies, but for now I thin I will sport some dreadlock maiden braids and see how I like them.
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